Friday, May 22, 2009

Closure roolz

It was all a lie. Just one big lie.
I'm stronger than this, I'm independent. A boy can't rule my life.
Never again will i let this happen.
There's that old theory that girls are the mean ones. Plain and simple, mean girls.
I honestly think it can be the other way around. Guys are mean.
My girls have my back, as ghetto and lame as that sounds.

You made me feel so special and happy. But it was all fake. I was used. I was part of your little game. I wish I had never met you. Honestly, I really do. None of this would've happened. I wouldn't have changed who i was for those few weeks we were "talking".
All of this just seems like a terrible Degrassi episode. But I'm ready to move on. I've learned many lessons from you so thanks douche.

Monday, May 11, 2009

I'm realizing

how great of a friend you really are.
You're always there for me and this weekend when i got upset, you really comforted me.
I appreciate you so much. You always encourage me. I can see us traveling the world one day, just you and me taking pictures of everything we see. We're so different, yet we're so the same. I'm glad i took the time to see the real you and become so close to you. You truly are my best friend.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Where is my mind?

I feel so lucky to have found you but why me?
Whatever it is about me that you like, I'm glad you see it.
I've wished for this for so long and it's coming true. You're my wish come true.
I'm waiting for the catch. Nothing's perfect. You're not perfect.
But you're pretty close...